Personality Types

Based on Jung`s Categories (Introverted or Extroverted, Intuitive or Sensing, Feeling or Thinking and Perceiving or Judging) my personality type results describe me as an INFJ (Idealist Portrait of the Counselor) with characteristics from an ENFJ (Idealist Portrait of the Teacher).

Take this Quiz and find out in which of the 4 Temperaments your personality type falls into:
  1. Guardians - Supervisor (ESTJ); Inspector (ISTJ); Provider (ESFJ); Protector (ISFJ).
  2. Artisans - Promoter (ESTP); Crafter (ISTP); Performer (ESFP); Composer (ISFP).
  3. Idealists - Teacher (ENFJ); Counselor (INFJ); Champion (ENFP); Healer (INFP).
  4. Rationals - Fieldmarshal (ENTJ); Mastermind (INTJ); Inventor (ENTP); Architect (INTP). truth, OdiliaCarmen
