The Power Of The Word

     It is said, in the beginning was The Word. And The Word was with God and The Word was God. And through The Word everything was created. It is also said we have been created in the image of God. And so we have been created in the image of our creator with the power to create.
     Although we are mostly unaware of it, we are creating our reality with the power of our words. It starts at the thought level and is further brought into life with the breath being poured into the spoken words.
Our power to create has been hijacked at the thought level via implanted systems of belief on the matrix of our reality. We are looping over and over patterns of sickness, sadness, impotence and depression that stem from a society that has fallen into ignorance and self-deception through the rise of the human ego and its desire to take hold of all power to control and manipulate at its will the course of all things.
     The truth is Ego cannot hold any power of creating unless it is creating in the image of its creator. In wholeness that is. With reverence to all of life and all beings.
     It is said we are born with a free will. And there is much misinterpretation around that. We believe we are free to choose and create whatever we want but in truth we only have two choices. To create from the Ego or from The Truth. One leads to Death another to Life.
     Creating from the Ego means creating from the ignorance of limited perception and self deception. In an attempt to manipulate reality to our individual pleasure. But since everything that is created, including our Ego, stems from Truth, Truth is the final frontier as well. We are doomed to face the Truth of our being. Meaning all that we are experiencing as creation is but a reflection of what we chose to BE. What we chose to serve and pursue.
     In the case of our ego, self deceived by the desire of power and control, that would be limitation, lack, sickness, betrayal, inequality and so on. However if we stand in the image of our Creator, The Truth, we create from Truth and in the image of Truth. Love, Wholeness, Equality, Equilibrium and Equanimity.
     We can speak into BEING the restoration of our reality as a creation of Peace. We can bring Heaven on Earth. Not by expecting it from the outside but by reflecting it from the inside of our hearts and beings.
     We are running around searching for miracle cures and secrets to health and power of manifestation. And we are doomed to realise sooner or later that all these secrets are limited and temporary.
     All we do is prolong our journey through a not so pleasant reality filled with struggles and ignorance. In the end we still have to face ourselves and our mis-creations.
     And so I would like to invite you all to look at the world you live in! And then look within and question yourselves!How are you still contributing to this reality? What are you still speaking into being through your thoughts and words? What thoughts and beliefs of your ancestors and this fallen society are still looping in your minds? And END IT!! Right there at the root of your mind! Make the shift to a new reality!
     The real work is conscious awareness and the embodiment of yourselves as true beings of light. A pure and truthful reflection of your creator. The source of all things. The power of all powers. The Ultimate Truth that never dies but resides eternally into itself. What else and what other powers do you need more than that? And why? That is the self deception that you must seek to end! truth, OdiliaCarmen
