
When You Are Ready To Listen

Ever wonder why even the almighty, seemingly careless, leaves you into the oblivion of most excruciating pain? Why though you scream from the depth of your being for a bit of light you are left into complete darkness? It`s because you are not truly willing! To listen! You don`t seek for THE answer. You seek for a solution of your own construction. Your request is for the problem to stop so that your pain may go away. But what you aren`t ready to be shown is that YOU are THE problem! You are wounded by your own perceptions of right and wrong! What must or musn`t be! You beg for light while you hold on darkness in the clench of your teeth. You cling to pain and keep on agonizing into your own delusion. Expanding darkness by extending faults and blames to all those, human and gods alike, that seem unwilling to help you. And you keep on reasoning... with your own limited mind, over how entitled you are to happiness. But.. are you really? Well, let me te...