
The Guru`s Cat

"Each time the guru sat for worship with his students the ashram cat would come in to distract them, so he ordered them to tie it when the ashram was at prayer. After the guru died the cat continued to be tied at worship time. And when the cat expired, another cat was brought into the ashram to make sure that the guru’s orders were faithfully observed at worship time. Centuries passed and learned treatises were written by the guru’s scholarly disciples on the liturgical significance of tying up a cat while worship is performed."   from the book " Song Of The Bird " by Anthony de Mello truth,  OdiliaCarmen

The Monster In The River

"The village priest was distracted at his prayer by the children. To get rid of them he said, “Hurry to the river and you will see a monster breathing fire through his nostrils.”  Soon the whole village had heard of this monstrous apparition and was rushing to the river. The priest too joined the crowd. As he panted his way through four solid miles, he kept saying to himself, “It is true I invented the story. But you never can tell I”  A good way to believe in the gods we have created is to convince others of their existence."   from the book  "Song Of The Bird"  by  Anthony de Mello truth,  OdiliaCarmen

The Medal

"A mother could not get her son to come home before sunset. So, she told him that the road to their house was haunted by ghosts who come out after dusk. By the time the boy grew up he was so afraid of ghosts that he refused to run errands at night. So she gave him a medal and taught him that it would protect him. Bad religion gives him faith in the medal. Good religion gets him to see that ghosts do not exist." from the book  "Song Of The Bird"  by  Anthony de Mello truth,  OdiliaCarmen