
The Journey

We seek. We find. We process (compare, analyze, comprehend) similarities and differences. We reach to a higher perspective. The one that reveals to us that differences are mere illusions, that all is connected, all is one. Life is not better anywhere else (whatever corner of the world, that is). The same struggles goes within each human being. We might see them on different scales, in different colors, but only because we judge them from the outside. We measure them from our standing point, which is always a comparing point. What is within cannot be measured from without. Thus what is within may be found only when the search without is finalized. When the process is ended what is within becomes one with what is without. The rest is creation. When peace, love, truth is within, you cannot experience the opposites without. No matter what seems to happen around you. No matter where you are. No matter whom you encounter. It is the journey of every human being. (I dare to say, of every livin...

Why Are We Here?

We weren`t born to suffer but neither to be happy doing what we want and like on this earth.. or as others would like to claim "we were born to love". We were born to experience! From experience to understand. And from understanding to evolve. Our confinements are not permanent. Nothing is. With evolution comes change. If change is not here... it is not its time. Yet! We still need some understanding! truth,  OdiliaCarmen

How To Be Yourself

Stop reading and following all quotes, posts, books and whatever else entitled "How to" this or that. Whomever teaches you THE steps is in fact robbing you of the whole perspective by offering you a mere point of view to cling on. SELF is to be uncovered through self observation and self experiencing as well as the observation of all that is "out"of self. Someone else's experience isn't and will never be your experience. It's your understanding (of someones else`s experience), not your replication of it, that will integrate it's values into your beingness. truth,  OdiliaCarmen